Monday 17 December 2012

Season 7 - League Finale

All games in the League have been played. All but one. As you can see from the table Pen X A and Cobras have drawn equal on points AND sets. This means they will have to play each other in a head to head match to decide the league champions. So a final exciting match awaits us after the christmas.

We will be going into the end of season playoffs as normal in the New Year. Keep an eye out for dates.

Dodgeball League Information

The All Saints Dodgeball League is a weekly get together of local people, who compete in fun, friendly matches. Dodgeball is a game of fast reflexes, clever tactics and at times a good sense of humour!

Teams are mixed with players of all abilities enjoying 50 minute games. It's a great way to get fit and have fun at the same time. The league is always looking for new teams and complete beginners, so if you are interested in playing, use the information below to get in contact with us. We'd love to see you on court!

Tel: 01912672680
